Out In Print reviews Compassion, Michigan by Raymond Luczak

cover of Compassion, Michigan by Raymond LuczakThis book is as much about Ironwood as it is about the women who lived and died there. Luczak includes many details about its geography and history; so much so, that I want to know how much of the setting is “real”–instead I went and looked up the Wikipedia article about Ironwood to compare. Set over most if its 130-year history, these stories retell Ironwood’s founding after the discovery of nearby lodes of iron ore, its expansion due to an influx of numerous immigrant communities, its booming heyday during the two World Wars, and eventual decline. “Yoopers” (for non-Midwesterners, this term describes inhabitants of the U. P. [Upper Peninsula] of Michigan) is a delightful story about acknowledging the unique qualities of where you grew up, whether you celebrate them or not.

If being unable to tell your story is a living death (if not a literal one) as Rebecca Solnit states in the book’s epigraph, then these stories are affirmations of these women’s lives and choices, regardless of the circumstances they had to withstand, or the mistakes they made.

Two of my favorites imagine lost glimpses into small-town life at the beginning of the twentieth century, which are also glimpses into lost LGBT history. “The Ways of Men” re-creates the life of a transman who leaves his privileged life in Detroit for the relative anonymity of Ironwood; according to Luczak, it is based on a true story (although most of it has been lost to time). “Beginnings” is the poignant story about a marriage of convenience between two teachers—and when it suddenly becomes inconvenient.

Read the full review on the Out In Print Blog

Dos Idiomas, One Me

A Bilingual Reader
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Product Details
UPC: 978-1-61599-544-8
Brand: Loving Healing Press
Binding: Paperback
Edition: 1st
Author: Maggy Williams
Pages: 32
Publication Date: 11/01/2020

Dos Idiomas, One Me is the story of a young girl who feels torn between two languages. At home, she speaks Spanish, at school, she speaks English, and she finds herself resenting the fact that she has to translate her thoughts and feelings. Then, she realizes that being bilingual is a gift. She begins to have fun navigating the space of inclusivity and starts to relish the role of teacher and translator.

By equally incorporating Spanish and English, Dos Idiomas, One Me promotes biliteracy. As young readers see their experiences reflected in the story of another dual-language speaker, they can feel encouraged to embrace all aspects of themselves

“A charming book depicting bicultural identity. Maggy Williams takes the reader into the struggle and joy a child experiences while not feeling ni de aquí, ni de allá, and yet from both sides.” – Anel Duarte, artist and poet

“Such a unique, inspiring story that captures the heart within seconds of reading! A powerful, dynamic rendition of what it means to be a bilingual child. Every family should read it!” – Sabrina Suarez, artist, advocate, and community leader

“Esta pequeña historia guarda un gran tesoro. Para todos los niños que tienen la gran oportunidad y capacidad de aprender dos o más idiomas a la vez, de una forma natural. Que puedan apreciar y sentir la fortuna de ser completamente bilingües desde una edad temprana. Una ventaja con la que contarán el resto de sus vidas y que podrá ser de gran ayuda para ellos mismos y muchos otros a su alrededor. Un lindo recurso para todos los padres que quieren enseñar a sus hijos la riqueza de formar parte en varias culturas a la vez.” – Irma Erichsen, author and artist

Dos Idiomas, One Me illustriously guides young readers and their grownups towards understanding that differences make us unique and special. Beautifully written!” – AnnaMarie Jones, co-creator of the Demystifying Diversity Podcast.

Learn more at www.MaggyWilliamsAuthor.com
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