Illustrated by Maggie Chambers, this delightful “tail” of the Mouse family honors the magic of Mackinac Island with all its little nooks and crannies. From the famous fudge to the handsome blonde dock porter Robert, the brand new book brings alive the scenes from the island.
Speaking directly from the main location of the story- the Windermere Hotel- Porter and Chambers share their creative synergy in this interview wrapped in love for the island.
“It’s a cold and foggy day,” said Chambers, “but tomorrow will be sunny.”
“I wanted to give a gift to the island,” said Porter.
During their two-year-long creative journey, Porter and Chambers perfectly complemented each other’s vision for the book.
“Wouldn’t it be cute..” said Porter.
“If they slept in fudge boxes,” Chambers finished the sentence.
“It just rolled that way,” Porter laughed.
If you happen to be on the island this Memorial Day weekend don’t miss out on the unique opportunity to meet the creators of “A Mouse on Mackinac Island” on Saturday at the Island Book Store, Sunday at Watercolor Cafe, and on Monday at the main location-the Windermere Hotel with all the characters present.
Listen to this story of love for the island for a chance to win a signed copy of this charming children’s book.
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