Today……I will be chatting with author, and artist Joanna Walitalo who will announce the details of her book giveaway of Woodburnings after the reading at the end of the interview.
When did you move to the UP? And are you a full-time Yooper?
Joanna Walitalo grew up in Oil City Michigan, taking art classes in middle school and high school. She attended Central Michigan University, where she earned a BS in Biology and Environmental Policies. From there, she moved to the Upper Peninsula of Michigan where she earned a Master’s in Forestry at Michigan Technological University. She is currently finishing her Ph.D. in Forest Science at MTU and continues to live in the UP with her loving husband and son.
J Walitalo “Woodburnings, Highlights from the first five years” is a book of fine artwork done in pyrography. It captures the range of artwork that the Walitalo’s have created, and promotes environmental ethics through the use of scrap wood as the platform for the artwork, as well as through the images they create. “Our goal is to help spread appreciation and love for our natural environment and wildlife by sharing the beauty of it through art.”
Sponsored by Doc Chavent, The Lowell Ledger and Modern History Press.
Children's Books