Mikel B. Classen

Mikel B. Classen

Mikel B. Classen

Mikel B. Classen has been writing about northern Michigan in newspapers and magazines for over thirty-five years, creating feature articles about the life and culture of Michigan’s north country. He’s written about Upper Peninsula history, travel, outdoors, the environ­ment and many other subjects. A journalist, historian, photographer and author with a fascination of the world around him, he enjoys researching and writing about lost stories from the past. Currently he is Managing Editor of the U.P. Reader.

Classen makes his home in the oldest city in Michigan, historic Sault Ste. Marie. He is also a collector of out-of-print history books, historical photographs and prints of Upper Michigan. At Northern Michigan University, he studied English, history, journalism and photo­graphy. He lives with his wife, Mary L. Underwood, and his Labrador retriever, Gidget.

His book, Au Sable Point Lighthouse, Beacon on Lake Superior’s Shipwreck Coast, was published in 2014 and his book, Teddy Roosevelt and the Marquette Libel Trial, was published in 2015, Both by the History Press. He has two books of fiction called Lake Superior Tales, published by Modern History Press, and Journeys into the Macabre, published by NetBound Books.

To learn more about Mikel B. Classen and to see more of his work, go to his website at www.mikelclassen.com

Mikel B. Classen

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Piracy on the Great Lakes
Piracy on the Great Lakes
Piracy on the Great Lakes
True Tales of Freshwater Pirates
Old Victoria [PB]
Old Victoria [PB]
Old Victoria [PB]
A Copper Mining Ghost Town in Ontonagon County Michigan
U.P. Reader -- Volume #8 [HC]
U.P. Reader -- Volume #8 [HC]
U.P. Reader -- Volume #8 [HC]
: Bringing Upper Michigan Literature to the World
U.P. Reader -- Volume #8 [PB]
U.P. Reader -- Volume #8 [PB]
U.P. Reader -- Volume #8 [PB]
: Bringing Upper Michigan Literature to the World
The Alexandria Code
The Alexandria Code
The Alexandria Code
An Isabella Carter Adventure
Points North [PB] -- RESALE ONLY
Points North [PB] -- RESALE ONLY
Points North [PB] -- RESALE ONLY
Discover Hidden Campgrounds, Natural Wonders, and Waterways of the Upper Peninsula
U.P. Reader -- Volume #7 [HC]
U.P. Reader -- Volume #7 [HC]
U.P. Reader -- Volume #7 [HC]
Bringing Upper Michigan Literature to the World
U.P. Reader -- Volume #7 [PB]
U.P. Reader -- Volume #7 [PB]
U.P. Reader -- Volume #7 [PB]
: Bringing Upper Michigan Literature to the World
U.P. Reader -- Volume #6 [HC]
U.P. Reader -- Volume #6 [HC]
U.P. Reader -- Volume #6 [HC]
: Bringing Upper Michigan Literature to the World
U.P. Reader -- Volume #6 [PB]
U.P. Reader -- Volume #6 [PB]
U.P. Reader -- Volume #6 [PB]
: Bringing Upper Michigan Literature to the World
True Tales
True Tales
True Tales
The Forgotten History of Michigan's Upper Peninsula
U.P. Reader -- Volume #5 [HC]
U.P. Reader -- Volume #5 [HC]
U.P. Reader -- Volume #5 [HC]
: Bringing Upper Michigan Literature to the World
U.P. Reader -- Volume #5 [PB]
U.P. Reader -- Volume #5 [PB]
U.P. Reader -- Volume #5 [PB]
: Bringing Upper Michigan Literature to the World
Points North
Points North
Points North
Discover Hidden Campgrounds, Natural Wonders, and Waterways of the Upper Peninsula

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