Dr .T. Vasudeva Reddy, born in Dec. 1943 in a village near the famous pilgrim town Tirupati in Andhra State in India, did M.A in English in 1966 and got a Ph.D. for his thesis on the novels of Jane Austen. He worked as Lecturer, Reader and U.G.C National Fellow and Visiting Professor, and retired as Principal of Govt. Degree College in Dec. 2001 and later as Principal of prestigious Post-Graduate colleges. He received the Awards of International Eminent Poet in 1987, Hon. D. Litt. from the WAAC, San Francisco in 1988, Best Teacher Award at the College & University level from the Govt. of A.P. in 1990, Best Poetry award for his third poetry book The Fleeting Bubbles from Michael Madhusudan Dutt Academy, Calcutta in 1994 and the prestigious U.G.C Award of National Fellowship in 1998. His biography figures in the American Biographical Institute (N. Carolina, USA), International Biographical Institute (Cambridge), Reference India & Asia (New Delhi) and Sahitya Akademi (New Delhi).
He is a renowned poet, critic and novelist of international repute. His poems appeared in French journals in Paris. M.Phil. and Ph.D. theses have been produced on his works. He received the international Award of “Excellence in World Poetry” in 2009. He is now Hon. President of GIEWEC (Guild of Indian English Writers Editors and Critics). He is an internationally recognized poet in English with 11 poetry books to his credit. His poetic career spans over a long period of three and a half decades from 1982 till now and his creative quill knows no rest. He is at once a realistic and romantic poet, a lover of nature and a poet with social commitment, a lyricist and a satirist aiming at the improvement of ethical standards.