Sweta Srivastava Vikram

Sweta Srivastava Vikram, featured by Asian Fusion as “one of the most influential Asians of our time,” is an award-winning writer, five-time Pushcart Prize nominee, Amazon bestselling author of ten books, novelist, poet, essayist, columnist, and wellness practitioner who currently lives in New York City with her husband. Her work has appeared in several anthologies, literary journals, and online publications across nine countries on three continents. A graduate of Columbia University, Sweta performs her work, teaches creative writing workshops, and gives talks at universities and schools across the globe.
Visit the author’s website at www.swetavikram.com

Read these interviews with Sweta Srivastava Vikram

Jennifer Bonn

I recently retired from teaching after forty years. During that time, I have tried to balance my writing, my teaching, and my family life. Retirement is offering me the chance to spend more time with my writing and I could not be more grateful. Let me tell you about my passion for writing.

My years in the classroom have taught me lessons I have used in my writing. One of the things that teaching has taught me is that every­one needs some encouragement, even when life is full of bles­sings. I enjoy providing that encouragement for both my students and my readers. Teaching also taught me the importance of community and relationships. I hope I can help readers find the way to build the community and life they need to be happy.

Writing has always been an activity that gives me peace. I tell people I am usually smiling when I am writing. My specialties are parenting, running, education, and self-help. I self-published a teaching guide called Stay Away from the Girl’s Bathroom. (The girl’s bathroom at my school was where all the drama happened, so you entered at your own risk.) I write monthly essays for my local media in two maga­zines and our newspaper. I have been published in a variety of magazines from Trail Runner to Atlanta Parents. I have a blog that you can reach at www.jenniferswriting.org, a Pinterest page that is found at https://www.pinterest.com/jenniferbonn, and I can be found at medium.com.

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The Healing Power of Running
The Healing Power of Running
The Healing Power of Running
A Guide to Healing the Body, Mind, and Spirit
What I Hope for You
What I Hope for You
What I Hope for You
A Grandmother's Wishes

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