Sweta Srivastava Vikram

Sweta Srivastava Vikram, featured by Asian Fusion as “one of the most influential Asians of our time,” is an award-winning writer, five-time Pushcart Prize nominee, Amazon bestselling author of ten books, novelist, poet, essayist, columnist, and wellness practitioner who currently lives in New York City with her husband. Her work has appeared in several anthologies, literary journals, and online publications across nine countries on three continents. A graduate of Columbia University, Sweta performs her work, teaches creative writing workshops, and gives talks at universities and schools across the globe.
Visit the author’s website at www.swetavikram.com

Read these interviews with Sweta Srivastava Vikram

Jon C. Stott

Jon C. Stott, Professor Emeritus of English at the University of Alberta, has spent most of his summers beside lakes - as a boy at Shawnigan Lake on Vancouver Island, Canada, and, since 1971 (when he was a professor at Western Michigan University), at lakes in Michigan's Upper Peninsula. Since his retirement, he has written non-academic books about minor league professional sports and the craft beer boom, along with retellings of traditional legends and folktales. The stories in Paul Bunyan in Michigan: Yooper Logging, Lore & Legends are set in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. He is currently writing a celebration of and guide to the craft breweries and brewpubs of the Upper Peninsula

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Yooper Ale Trails [Hardcover] -- RESALE ONLY
Yooper Ale Trails [Hardcover] -- RESALE ONLY
Yooper Ale Trails [Hardcover] -- RESALE ONLY
Craft Breweries and Brewpubs of Michigan's Upper Peninsula
Yooper Ale Trails [HC]
Yooper Ale Trails [HC]
Yooper Ale Trails [HC]
Craft Breweries and Brewpubs of Michigan's Upper Peninsula
Yooper Ale Trails [Paperback] -- RESALE ONLY
Yooper Ale Trails [Paperback] -- RESALE ONLY
Yooper Ale Trails [Paperback] -- RESALE ONLY
Craft Breweries and Brewpubs of Michigan's Upper Peninsula
Yooper Ale Trails [PB]
Yooper Ale Trails [PB]
Yooper Ale Trails [PB]
Craft Breweries and Brewpubs of Michigan's Upper Peninsula
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Summers at the Lake [PB]
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Upper Michigan Moments and Memories
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