Sweta Srivastava Vikram

Sweta Srivastava Vikram, featured by Asian Fusion as “one of the most influential Asians of our time,” is an award-winning writer, five-time Pushcart Prize nominee, Amazon bestselling author of ten books, novelist, poet, essayist, columnist, and wellness practitioner who currently lives in New York City with her husband. Her work has appeared in several anthologies, literary journals, and online publications across nine countries on three continents. A graduate of Columbia University, Sweta performs her work, teaches creative writing workshops, and gives talks at universities and schools across the globe.
Visit the author’s website at www.swetavikram.com

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U.P. Reader -- Issue #2 [HC]

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Product Details
UPC: 978-1-61599-385-7
Brand: Modern History Press
Binding: Hardcover
Edition: 1st
Author: Mikel B. Classen

Michigan’s Upper Peninsula is blessed with a treasure chest of writers and poets, all seeking to capture the diverse experiences of Yooper Life. Now U.P. Reader offers a rich collection of their voices that embraces the U.P.’s natural beauty and way of life, along with a few surprises.

The forty works in this second jam-packed annual volume take readers on a U.P. Road Trip from the Mackinac Bridge to Menominee. Every page is rich with descriptions of the characters and culture that make the Upper Peninsula worth living in and writing about.

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