Review by professional editor Bob Rich, PhD
Think of this little book Great Little Last-Minute Editing Tips for Writers as an amusingly annotated dictionary of samples of likely word confusions. To expand:
- It is little (my apologies short; an illegitimate word substitution not in it): less than 60 pages.
- It does provide amusing reading, always a benefit of any writing.
- Every item involves a brief examination of the meaning of the relevant word, and that’s what a dictionary is. It is annotated, thanks to Carolyn’s amusing commentary.
- She has carefully chosen examples from among the tens of thousands of possible ways we can misuse words. Studying her little sample will enable the reader to make the correct choices for a great many more.
You don’t need to pay attention to the distinctions she deals with when writing a shopping list, but I do so even in emails. Her approach is essential in writings such as job applications, project proposals, and of course anything to do with the book trade.
Thoroughly recommended
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